Mesic Hardwood Forest

Mesic mixed hardwood forests flooded occasionally before construction of the dams but now rarely or never flood.
Mesic hardwood forest. 94 relevés 196 ecs worksheets. Mesic northern forest is a forest type of moist to dry mesic sites lying mostly north of the climatic tension zone characterized by the dominance of northern hardwoods particularly sugar maple acer saccharum and american beech fagus grandifolia conifers such as hemlock tsuga canadensis and white pine pinus strobus are frequently important canopy associates. Mh mesic hardwood forest system continued woody plants including a well defined forest canopy subcanopy and shrub layer. Mesic hardwood forests on well drained to somewhat poorly drained rich loamy soils on glacial drift and till in areas of undulating to hummocky topography.
Found on the high ridges of broadneck swamp the species present that distinguish these ridges as mesic mixed hardwood forests are american beech american holly shagbark hickory and loblolly pine. Mesic is one of a triad of terms used to describe the amount of water in a habitat. In ecology a mesic habitat is a type of habitat with a moderate or well balanced supply of moisture e g a mesic forest a temperate hardwood forest or dry mesic prairie mesic habitats transition to xeric shrublands in a non linear fashion which is evidence of a threshold. These layers combine to produce continuous if not overlapping cover.