Queensland Itch Horse Rugs
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Queensland itch horse rugs. Sale quick view choose options. Sweet itch rugs are designed to protect horses from midges that cause the condition known as sweet itch. We refer all our clients to wild horse australia when being called out to a horse that is being plagued by insects or has qld itch i use the insect control rugs on all my own horses and when i got my quarter horse mare she had no. Buy online and get free shipping on all our summer rip stop rugs waterproof turnout winter rugs show rugs and horse accessories.
Horse rugs designed to keep your horse protected at home in the australia climates and conditions both through the summer and winter first our summer horse rugs include ripstop wax coated rain sheets uv protected and water resistant for what your horse needs as a summer horse rug. Queensland itch and itchy horses saddle fitting tips for getting whites even brighter worming shipping exchange sponsored riders blog 02 43538205 home horse rugs rugs sort by. They are made of a fine mesh with elastic edges so that midges can not crawl through or under the rug. Capriole equestrian horse rugs are designed and made for the australian conditions.
Rug your horse there are many rugs available designed specifically for queensland itch horses but beware if you put a rug on a horse that is already itchy you may have a trashed rug in a short period of time. Horse with queensland itch rain scald dermatitis and non specific skin conditions are very common and every day we talk to customers in store about how to manage their horses ailments and keep them comfortable.